Feb 17
Graduated to a big girl crib! Up to 1555 grams. They had a warmer on the crib that made me to hot which made my heart race and me pant. Mom came in and couldn't understand why I was racing a billion miles an hour. I have been desatting with feeds but I recover by myself. Still no further As or Bs (apneas & bradicardias). Dr C came to talk about the head u/s again as on my first one there was a tiny spot floating in the nullspace between my skull and brain - not on the brain but in the liquid.. they are not sure what it is, but it could be an echogenic cyst, blood or fatty tissue. Worst case, I will have to have an operation, but it will be an easy one as the cyst is not on the brain. They did another u/s and they are waiting for the results to see what to do.
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