Princess Presleigh

31 and 3... sounds like a football game, but its when I arrived in this world.

Friday, November 03, 2006


I'm sick. Mom's sick. I have an ear infection but I'm not too terribly miserable with it, but I'm MUCH happier now that I'm on strawberry banana medicine. I SLURP it out of the syringe. Funnily enough, Mom and I are on the same antibiotics. Mom has strep throat for the bazillionth time in her life. I didn't go to OT and PT today because we're sick. I do however, get to get a flu shot next week which I'm not looking forward to. We're going to wait til we're better first. (ed: so I can get sick again)

I'm currently upside down in my crib with every stuffed animal thrown to the other end and the blanket over my head. Mom is still awake because the coughing hurts her chest and throat but she'd like to be upside down with the blanket over her head.

This weekend if we're feeling better, we're going to go paint pottery for our lawyer to say thank you and put my handprints on the mugs we're going to make. Our lawyer is a very nice lady who likes to cuddle me when she sees me, which isn't very often but she has long hair I can pull.

I have started sitting up better and I don't roll everywhere just yet, but I do roll sometimes. Today I decided to tip over from sitting and then roll over to my sister and try and eat her homework. She thought it would be a good excuse "My sister ate my homework.", however Mom intervened.
I really like paper and cardboard and Mom is patiently waiting when I become engrossed with stickers and tape like my sister did. My sister used to take rolls of scotch tape and loop it together and stick it to everything and then pick it off. To this day, we still find half used rolls of scotch tape in the strangest of places.


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