Princess Presleigh

31 and 3... sounds like a football game, but its when I arrived in this world.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Neurologist appt

I saw a neurologist today, Dr B. She's a really pretty lady with curly curly red hair that I was determined to pull! I'm still sitting at 8.5kgs on their scale and I'm 64.5 cm tall. On the adjusted scale, I am in the 95% for my weight, 25% for height.

Dr B isn't worried about CP...YAHOO! However, she is concerned that I am quite delayed in my gross motor skills. We don't see her again for 6 months provided she is ok with the MRI results (she couldn't read them for some reason before we got there, but she will check them out and call if she has other concerns) but I go see an OT and a PT next week and work with them on getting me rolling...literally.
She's a little concerned with my aversion to different food textures, but she told mom to keep perservering and try different spoon sizes, and try thinner foods ('water' down the baby food with either formula or unsweetened apple juice) to more of a soup consistancy or add cereal to thicken.
I had a fever over the weekend, but it appears to be a teething fever as there is a tooth just below the surface. Mom thought it might have been an ear infection, but I wasn't screeching in pain - just miserable and crying. Fever is gone and I'm back to my usual self. Today however, was a busy day and my nap schedule went to h e double hockeysticks in a handbasket and now I'm tired and grouchy.


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