Princess Presleigh

31 and 3... sounds like a football game, but its when I arrived in this world.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

J is for jammies

I keep growing in odd spurts. I now fully wear an 18 month sized shirt... but still 12 months in pants. Which is completely buggering when it comes to one piece jammies. I either wear slippers over the feet so that I don't trip or step all over the legs, or my arms are sticking out at the elbows. I have a couple pairs of 2 piece jammies but again, same issue. Pants too long, shirt too small.

J is for jam. I don't like raspberry jam.

J is for jello. I have tried orange jello and it seems to be ok.

J is for jumping. I jump everywhere. I am a lean mean jumping machine. I started using people as leverage and then jump to the next person and then use them as leverage to get back where I started. I also have decided that it would be neat to try and jump off furniture, however I have been saved before I can go anywhere.


  • At 10:29 a.m., Blogger Miracles said…

    I can sooo relate. My girl's have the same problem with clothes.


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